Once again we have proved ourselves with 100% performance.Out of total 14 calls provided on this blog on March 23, 2014 in our post 12 calls hit our targets which is 5-15% in all our calls. In stock futures per lot profit was Rs. 10,000 to 50,000 per lot. & over all weekly returns was above 3.00 Lakh (Hindalco 20000,JP ASSOCIATE 32000, HDIL 48000,BOB 30000,JAIN IRRIGATION 24000,BHARTI AIRTEL 30000,BICON 10000,BHEL16000,JSWSTEEL 7000,ADANI ENT 50000,AXISBANK 15000,JINDAL STEEL 20000) .in free calls however for paid clients returns are higher as many other calls like RCOM,VOLTAS,CENTURY TEX were initiated during the week .