Stock Future
Tata Motor : Stock hit 490 to 520. A great return of Rs.30000/- per lot.
GMRInfra : Stock hit 25.15 to 27.15 A great return of Rs 20000/- per lot
Voltas : Hit 221 to 245 .A great return of Rs 50000/- per lot
Jindal steel : 286 to 301. A great return of Rs 15000/- per lot
Cash equity
Think Soft : Stock hit 450 to 488 (8%)
South Indian Bank : Completed our target of 30.(+7%)
BGR Energy : Hit our target 178(hit180/6%) still a buy on dips candidate.
Jyoti structure : Completed our target 47 from 41(15%)
Alok Ind : Completed our target 13(12.80 from 10= 28%)

Open calls
Radico Khaitan : Hit 2 to 97.35.: Add more on dips keeping sl@88
EKC : stay long with sl 15.25
Ruchi Soya : Hit 41 to 44.80(almost 9%) still a buy on every decline.Stay Long
Polaris : Stock hit 210 to 234 (11%) , still a buy on every decline.Stay Long
Meghmani.: Hit 17 to 20.35 (20%) still a buy on every decline.Stay Long