Hi Friends, Hope you enjoyed our calls on various stocks in both equity cash as well as stock future segment.Performance/Accuracy is 100% .Below is detailed weekly performance of stocks recommended by us in last weeks blog post.If you wish to be your own analyst to invest in this highly volatile market we have an offer for you to learn basic technical analysis with SBCalls.For registration you can call/SMS @07737093555 For details visit our page http://stocksbuzzcalls.blogspot.in/p/learn-earn.html

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Stock future
SUNTV Fu did 372 from 355(Return 17000 per lot)
ALBK Fu hit 119.50 above 116.50(return 12000 per lot)
Jindal steel Trading in range 225-250 as predicted.
LICHSGFIN hit 328 above 305 (return 46000 per lot)
SAIL 82 to 87 (return 20000 per lot)
ADF Foods Hit 61 to 71 (16%)
NALCO(Nationalum) 56.50 to 64.20(14%)
ESSDEE 503 to 563 (12% during the week)
Thinksoft Hit 470 to 494(5%)
8k Miles 315 to 344(9%)
Lincoln Pharma 47 to 52(11%)
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